Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Further progress!...

Now I've managed to make 100m in 52s. This is further improvement over my previous result. Also, I made 50m in 23s.

The second 50m on 100 were much weaker, so focus for the further training sessions should be on training endurance. Also, it would be nice to reintroduce running exercises 3-5 minutes for a full speed.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

New personal best!...

I've improved my last achievement on 100m by 2s. Now it is 54s :-) Slowly but surely I will get there! :-)

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Another training session

Today I've tried my new homemade snorkel. It was much better than my other wobbly one. I was able to make turns and snorkel stayed where it supposed to stay.

Also I was able to check my time today. Thanks to water proof watch I bought recently.
Honestly time wasn't impressive:

100m 56s

I know, it is far away from my results of 44s 20 years back. But this is a start.

25m apnea was 11s. Which is probably not that bad bearing in mind that I made low start and was messing with watch buttons on the finish.

So, for the future sessions working on technique and making my feet used to the monofin.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

My homemade snorkel

I was looking for the place to buy a snorkel for a finswimming. I even bought one which looked alright on a web site but was almost useless for swimming. Eventually I decided to go down the old style route. I decided to make it myself. I bought 2 metres of 25mm conduit in B&Q cut off the appropriate piece, stuffed it with sand, heated and bended in several places. This one more usable to me than my previous one.

Results from my last official competition

While I was on holidays I have recovered my results from the latest competitions dated 11-14th of April 1991.

400m surface: 3:45.17
800m surface: 8:03.72
1500m surface: 15:20.80

As part of relay team:
4x100m surface: 3:08.50
4x200m surface: 7:08.60

Now compare these results to current British records ;)

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Back after holidays...

I am back to my training sessions after being on holidays for 2 weeks. While I was away my monofin has arrived. I tried it today. What a speed! Although stiffness of my fin is medium, for my current fitness level it's going to be used for short sprints. I might need to order another one with bigger footpockets and soft.