Tuesday, 29 June 2010

In the beginning...

I am standing on a starting platform trying to catch buzzer to start my swimming race. It's again lane of water in front of me... and others waiting for their start. I am a bit nervous playing the race in my head. In a second, after a signal, nervousness will be gone. Seconds or minutes of hard work will take its place. Hard work I was trained for during previous months... I am standing on a platform waiting for a buzzer... just like 20 years ago...

That was a night dream. The one after which you decide that you need to change something in your life.

I was obsessed with the idea to come back into finswimming already about a year. Once I have decided to find a swimming club for my son, normal swimming. I was browsing internet looking at sites of different clubs and accidentally came across wikipedia page with British records in finswimming. To my surprise the results there were weaker than ones I had 20 years back. This has fired a flame... I have contacted people from BFA, but they told me that there is no club in Bristol. Sadly the flame was extinguished... until I had my dream about a year later.

Now I decided to act. It is better to fail in doing something than miss an opportunity. I bought some equipment: fins and snorkel, booked a lane in Bradley Stoke leisure centre and went to my finswimming session. First in nearly 20 years :-)

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